The image, according to Chat GPT, features the phrase “ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE” at its centre, overlaid on a stylized depiction of a microchip and circuitry. This design symbolizes the integration of advanced AI technologies within modern electronic systems, emphasizing the critical role of AI in driving technological innovation and enhancing computational capabilities across various industries.


Illustration by Karabo Pare


MEXICO IS a country well-known for its hot and spicy food, particularly in the highlands of Guerrero, a state located on the Southwest coast. During one of the village celebrations, the dish ‘pozole rojo’ (red pozole) was served. For those tasting it for the first time, it is an experience difficult to forget. Everything had been prepared to celebrate the feast of the patron saint, San Marcos. The day started very early with a prayer on the mountain and the sacrifice of an animal (a bull), whose meat was to be shared later. Coming down the mountain, breakfast awaited us at the house of one of the ‘mayordomos’ (sponsors). This consisted of omelette and jalapeño chilli, which according to my taste was not too spicy. We then proceeded to the sports competitions and at about midday the celebration of the Eucharist took place. Afterwards, all the participants were invited to enjoy the delicious pozole.

As a guest in the village, I was invited to take up a place at the main table together with the authorities. Soon a big plate with a dish, red at the top with corn and pieces of meat inside, arrived at the table. When I saw the red colour, I guessed what it could be, and with the first spoonful, I tasted how spicy it was. I immediately realized that I needed something to cool down the burning feeling; what I had at hand was a coke, but this did not cool my burning mouth, but on the contrary, increased the fiery sensation. That wasn’t the end of my trial because, as the saying goes: “he who doesn’t like soup is served twice.” We were at a feast, so the main table had to repeat eating pozole. Interestingly, since then I have loved chili, and in Mexico, I got to taste it in almost all its variations.


I come from a village neighbouring Manyeleti Game Reserve, Mpumalanga. Many wild animals, among them elephants, frequent the fence which separates our village from the Game Park.

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