The cross is also the anchor of our hope as it appears in the Jubilee logo embedded onto the lit candle. The lower part of the cross is elongated and turned into the shape of an anchor, which is lowered into the waves and stabilizes the ship amidst the storms.
In addition, the cross is bent down backwards towards the four human figures. This indicates God’s act of compassion, seeking us out and offering surety of hope.

The Church-Family of God in Africa, with her unique perspective and spiritual richness, is called upon to participate in the Jubilee 2025. The theological virtue of hope takes on a special meaning for Africa.
THIS JUBILEE calls on us to recognise and proclaim the ‘signs of the times’, and to make hope visible on the African continent, to revisit its dynamics of reconciliation and renewal, while reflecting on what ‘seed of hope’ means for her peoples. Even though Africans face several socio-political, ecological and economic challenges, these should be transformed into opportunities for future generations.
This approach finds a profound echo in the apostolic exhortations Ecclesia in Africa (EA) and Africae Munus(AM) and in the synodal process, which underline the central role of Africa and its local Churches in the mission of the whole Church. Therefore, let us contemplate what the Jubilee represents in the Church’s tradition.
The Jubilee, a tradition of reconciliation and renewal in the Church
The Jubilee, as a biblical and ecclesial tradition, reflects a profound call for justice, forgiveness and reconciliation. ‘You shall number seven weeks of years, seven times seven years, […] then you shall sound the horn throughout the land, […] you shall declare this fiftieth year holy, and you shall proclaim in the land liberation for all its inhabitants.’ (Leviticus 25:8-12). This is the liberation of the land and the slaves, the symbol of restored social and economic justice.
In Deuteronomy 15: 1-2: ‘Every seven years you shall make a rest. This is how this release is to be made: every creditor who has made a loan to his neighbour shall remit it.’ Forgiving debts is a gesture of justice that relieves the poorest.
In Matthew 6:12 we read: ‘Forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us.’ Jesus’ teaching on forgiveness reflects the Jubilee’s spirit of reconciliation and inner liberation. In the synagogue of Nazareth, Jesus presented Himself as the fulfilment of the Jubilee year, insisting on forgiveness of sins and liberation ‘(cf. Lk 4: 18-19).
A call to unity and peace
In the Jubilee, reconciliation in Christ encompasses both personal and communal dimensions. “For He is our peace, who made the two one […] He broke down the wall that separated them […] so that we might be reconciled to God in one body.” (Eph. 2: 4-16). Human relationships with God are restored. “All this has been the work of God, who reconciled us to Himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation.” (2 Cor 5:18-19).

The image of the Church as a family call for an authentic communion between all and for a fraternal sharing of resources. This is what Ecclesia in Africa reminds us of: “The Church in Africa recognises that she is called to be a Church-family of God” (EA 63), where forgiveness and reconciliation are at the heart of her identity. This vision emphasises care for others, solidarity and dialogue, and opposes an excessive particularism.
Reconciliation is a path to lasting peace and unity in societies which are often fragmented. Peace cannot be achieved without justice, and justice, to be authentic, must be rooted in the truth of love. This perspective calls on Christians to be exemplary in matters of justice and charity, bearing witness to a sincere mutual love. The Jubilee invites Africa to reclaim these values and to embody a Church which heals wounds while proclaiming the Good News. In other words, the Jubilee of Hope cannot be limited to a spiritual horizon. It must also include concrete practical dimensions such as access to quality education. This investment will enable the training of African leaders capable of responding to the challenges of tomorrow and to bear witness to a Church committed to integral human development.
African experiences of reconciliation with the past
Africa bears the burden of historical and current wounds, but also the hope of reconciliation. This process, which is essential for her future, takes place at three levels: with the past, within communities and with creation.
In Africae Munus, Benedict XVI stresses the importance of memory and forgiveness in transforming wounds into opportunities for renewal. Reconciliation, rooted in the Father’s love, restores relationships broken by sin. Poignant testimonies from faithful Africans illustrate how the Spirit transforms the hearts of victims and their tormentors to re-establish fraternity. What follows are some concrete experiences of reconciliation with the past in Africa:
After the 1994 genocide, Rwanda set up traditional Gacaca or courts established to deal with mass crimes, promote justice and enable national reconciliation. These courts were based on community structures, where perpetrators could confess their crimes and ask forgiveness in the presence of the survivors and the rest of the community. In some cases, the victims forgave the perpetrators, creating poignant examples of reconciliation. Local initiatives emerged, such as projects where former perpetrators and victims started working together to rebuild schools and homes.

In some areas of the country, after the ethnic massacres between Hutus and Tutsis, symbolic actions were implemented, such as the planting of trees in memory of the disappeared or the joint reconstruction of churches and schools destroyed during the conflict. These concrete gestures have helped to restore a sense of solidarity and to rebuild broken relationships.
The role of Christian schools and institutions should not be overlooked, as they are laboratories for reconciliation, where young people from formerly opposed communities have learnt how to live together and to build a common future.
The Truth and Reconciliation Commission in South Africa, led by Archbishop Desmond Tutu after the end of apartheid, is another example. This was a platform where victims recounted their suffering, and where perpetrators asked for forgiveness in exchange for amnesty. A South African woman, for instance, forgave her son’s murderer after he confessed his crime publicly and expressed sincere remorse. This gesture not only restored a form of personal peace but also served as a model for society as a whole.
Following the post-election violence in Ivory Coast in 2010-2011, a number of communities took steps towards reconciliation. Inter-community dialogue workshops brought together people from different ethnic and political backgrounds to revisit painful events, share their wounds, and build common solutions for the future. In some regions, priests and imams have worked together to raise community awareness of the importance of forgiving and promoting peace.
Africa bears the burden of historical and current wounds, but also the hope of reconciliation.
The experience of Bishop Christophe Munzihirwa in the DR Congo, a martyr for peace, has encouraged the Congolese people to abandon revenge and work towards lasting peace by denouncing social injustice and inter-ethnic violence. His message continues to inspire reconciliation movements in eastern DR Congo, where communities have met in palaver circles to resolve their differences.
These experiences show that reconciliation requires courage and sincere remembrance, but also concrete action to transform wounds into creative forces. They are also a reminder that healing requires a sincere acknowledgment of past wrongs and a commitment to justice. Above all, it is about engaging in social and political transformation which reflects the Gospel, liberating the oppressed, guaranteeing human dignity, and restoring justice. It is also an invitation to promote models of governance and solidarity based on Christian values.
Human relations are restored through dialogue and solidarity. Christian families are called on to become true ‘domestic churches,’ helping to transform African societies into places of justice and peace. This message is amplified by Africae Munus (cf. AM §21), where Benedict XVI describes reconciliation as a path to lasting peace and unity in societies fragmented by conflict.
“‘Peace I leave with you, my peace I give to you,’ says the Lord, and He adds ‘not as the world gives do I give to you’ (Jn 14:27). Human peace obtained without justice is illusory and ephemeral. Human justice which is not the fruit of reconciliation in the ‘truth of love’ (Eph 4:15) remains incomplete; it is not authentic justice. Love of truth – ‘the whole truth,’ to which the Spirit alone can lead us (cf. Jn 16:13) – is what marks out the path that all human justice must follow if it is to succeed in restoring the bonds of fraternity within the ‘human family, a community of peace,’ reconciled with God through Christ. Justice is never disembodied. It needs to be anchored in consistent human decisions. A charity which fails to respect justice and the rights of all is false. I therefore encourage Christians to become exemplary in the area of justice and charity (Mt 5:19-20)” (AM §18).
By restoring trust between ethnic groups and strengthening social cohesion, Africa can become a living witness to reconciliation in service of the world.
The Jubilee of Hope: Preparing a Promising Future
African women play an important role in the Church’s mission, thanks to their faith, courage, and commitment. The Jubilee 2025 must be an opportunity to give greater prominence to their place and leadership within the Church and society. The Church must firmly condemn all customs and practices that deprive women of their rights and the respect due to them.
It must also promote adequate training for women, so that they can participate, at the appropriate levels, in the Church’s apostolic activity (cf. AM §56-57). This will strengthen the Church’s credibility and its transformative impact on African societies.
The Jubilee offers an opportunity to revisit the female figures of the Bible, who embodied values of courage, faith, and action. These examples can inspire African women to become more involved in building a future based on the Jubilee values.

The Jubilee of Hope: Preparing a Promising Future
The Jubilee of Hope is not just about celebrating the past or overcoming present hardships, but also about preparing a promising future. With its young and dynamic demography, Africa is destined to become a global driving force.
So, in order to promote reconciliation rooted in hope, it would be inspiring to organize ‘reconciliation caravans’ that travel to different regions to raise awareness of the importance of peace and forgiveness. These caravans could include testimonies, community dialogues, and interfaith celebrations.
It would be of value to develop a special Jubilee liturgy to express hope in all its cultural richness. The Jubilee would then become a celebration of this promise and a mobilization to channel its energy in a positive and lasting way.
The Jubilee of Hope is not just about celebrating the past or overcoming present hardships, but also about preparing a promising future.
It is an opportunity for Africa to celebrate its successes and to commit itself with confidence to building a brighter future.